Monday, February 28, 2022
Storyboard is Done!
Friday, February 25, 2022
Music & Storyboarding
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Ready, Set, GO
Filming Schedule
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
My Final Idea: Thought Process
Brainstorming... Again
Loss of a childhood best friend: Temporarily Forever
- Character parking the car (shot of the car going into park)
- Character sees a photo or object
- Looks nostalgic
- Flashback
- Character grabs it and runs into the house
- Character gets a box and puts all memories of friendship in a box
- Hides it away (final shot of box covering camera for black screen)
College rejection: All for None
- Studious girl
- Flashes of school papers
- Pacing
- "email" from college
- "View decision" on screen
- Opening ends on girl's eyes widening
Below are my pros and cons of these ideas:
This list was actually crazy helpful. With that, my standing idea for this project is Temporarily Forever: a story about a girl, who lost her childhood best friend, and now has to learn how to progress without the person who has been with her for her whole life.I'm really excited to storyboard this and then start my filming process. My favorite part of the production part, however, is the editing. Putting it all together, and seeing it become what I envisioned or a change in the editing looking better than I intended. Although time-consuming, it is so rewarding.
Hopefully, my next post will be about more elaboration, the filming schedule, and the process of storyboarding. Until next time!
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Current Thoughts
Getting the Ball Rolling
Legally Blonde
Going on the premise of a film opening about "moving on," I thought of the popular film, Legally Blonde. I also watched the film opening and it was a simple montage. It is attached below if you want to check it out!
This film opening does a good job at presenting the credits in the beginning, without the content being too distracting or the credits themselves being unnoticeable. Initially, I thought to myself that I wanted little to no dialogue in my opening, mainly because I didn't want the audio to be an issue in my post-production. With that in mind, Legally Blonde's film opening has become a new great source of inspiration for me.Bits and Pieces
Here's my current dilemma, I know what I want to do, but I don't know how to put it together. I want to create something that demonstrates moving on from loss. I've had a revelation that this "loss" doesn't have to be of a person, it can be anything. This brings me to another variation of my idea: rejection. Once again, this can come in many different forms. Rejection from a crush, college decisions, or even being socially rejected in a group.
By the end of this week, I will have my final idea for this film opening. I am going to promise myself that. If I'm really productive, I would have started my storyboard too. I'll keep you updated.
Oliveto, E. I. J. B. A. (2021, November 4). What Does ‘Coming of Age’ Mean in Movies, Books, and Life? | Cake Blog. JoinCake.
M. (2021, September 24). Coming-of-Age Movies: What Is the Coming-of-Age Genre? MasterClass.
Friday, February 18, 2022
Current Inspirations
What am I to do?
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Brainstorming First Idea
How Do I be Creative?
The hardest part of this project has to be coming up with an idea. I know we've only started this last week, but I can't imagine it being more mentally blocking than this. There are so many routes I can take and I need to pick the best one for me, but then again I can't even see all of the routes that are available to me, aka, I haven't thought of them yet.Prospective Idea #1
Pros and Cons of This Idea
Mia & Sebastian’s Theme. (2018, July 28). YouTube.
K. (2020, September 22). 8 Common Cliches of Coming-of-Age Stories. Kingdom Pen.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Coming of Age Films
The Idea
While thinking about the most viable options for me and the production of my film opening, I think I could best represent a coming-of-age movie, since I am, after all, a teenager. The definition of a coming-of-age film is a film that "depicts one or more young protagonists facing a key moment of personal growth from childhood to adulthood." With this in mind, if I choose this approach for my film opening, I have to have a film opening that presents a character that can have development towards the end.
Characteristics of Coming-of-Age Films
Classic Coming-of-Age Film: Clueless (1995)
Clueless is an iconic film that never gets old. Releasing in 1995, this film continues to be one that is timeless and appreciated by all generations.
I find that the film opening for Clueless does a good job of establishing the main character, Cher. Check out the video below to see the first ten minutes of the movie!
Based on the clip, you can tell that Cher is a spoiled rich girl, who seems to have a disregard for those around her. She seems to always get her way, and you can see by the way she boasts about her teachers changing her grades every semester. Her personality and way of living are set within these nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds, which can also be seen through the voiceover narration the film uses.
Although I don't have access to a Jeep Wrangler like Cher does, she and I do have a couple things in common. We are both high schoolers trying to be successful and find our place in the world. I can use this to my advantage as I stick to what I know.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
Directed by John Hughes, Ferris Bueller's Day Off follows a high school boy on his journey of skipping a day of school by faking an illness. The film opening perfectly sets the scene for this plot.
The film starts by establishing the setting, Ferris Bueller's house, then we are introduced to his whole family. We know that Ferris is the protagonist as he directly addresses the camera and narrates for himself. This is a different execution of what Clueless does, because, although they both use narration, Ferris Bueller's Day Off uses the direct address rather than a normal voiceover that Clueless uses.
What's the Point?
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986) [opening scene]. (2018, September 14). YouTube.
Clueless: Watch the First 9 Minutes and 59 Seconds | Netflix. (2020, June 1). YouTube.
What Is a Coming-of-Age Movie? Definition and Top Films. (2019, September 27). LiveAbout.
M. (2021, September 24). Coming-of-Age Movies: What Is the Coming-of-Age Genre? MasterClass.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Components of a Film Opening
The first step of this project is to think about the genre that I want to use. So far, I'm leaning towards drama. I already have background knowledge on the subject and that is probably the genre that I watch the most.
One of the most iconic and notable drama films has to be Parasite directed by Bong Joon-ho. Ten minutes of the opening was posted to YouTube, check it out.
I love the number of techniques already used within these ten minutes, from focus pulls to close-ups, Bong is able to grab the audience's attention instantly, and this is the goal that I have for myself and my film opening. The intro also seems to be setting the scene and the living conditions of the family.
Parasite is a film that talks about the disparities between the rich and poor and Bong is able to highlight this theme through the camera shots/angles and mise-en-scene elements he uses. For example, the house that the poor family is living in is "semi-basement and semi-overground." The audience is able to see this view of the basement through the shot pictured to the right. We see that the family sees the outside from ground level but at least they aren't fully submerged in the ground. Woo-shik says "It gives you a little bit of hope because it is not fully underground, but halfway.
Parasite | The Best Picture Winner’s Opening 10 Minutes | Now on Blu-ray, DVD, & Digital. (2020, January 14). YouTube.
“Parasite” Director Bong Joon-ho Breaks Down the Opening Scene | Vanity Fair. (2019, November 12). YouTube.
Friday, February 11, 2022
Starting Line
It doesn't feel real that we are already starting the portfolio project for this AICE exam. I remember before I picked AICE Media Studies, I looked up the syllabus for the class and saw an exam component was this project. Hard to believe that the time has actually come and I have learned the necessary skills for this project in just five months.
My Plans
My Approach
Friday, February 4, 2022
Music Marketing Project Conclusion
The Ending
Our Schedule |
Editing Process |
The Band Picture |
CCR + Thank You
The CCR is officially exported and done. Presenting, my Creative Critical Reflection . If that link doesn't work, use this ...

During class today, we went over the Creative Critical Reflection and I got a better understanding of how it should be. Seeing the exa...
Creating As I started my storyboard, I realized I needed to think of a song that matches the theme in order to figure out the vibe and ...
On my last day of spring break, I went to Panera Bread and I was able to make huge progress on my Creative Critical Reflection. I star...